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Lymphatic management after liposuction SUGI LAB (korea)

수기남 2023. 11. 13. 20:41






Hello, I'm SUGILAP who specializes in liposuction follow-up care.

after liposuction

Because of the symptoms you've never experienced before

You must have been flustered

So, simply liposuction Rather than thinking about it,

how do you take care of yourself

Think about whether you'll recover



A typical symptom of liposuction is

bruise / swelling / pain / adhesion Etc.

can be improved by management


1. The help of improving bruises
2. The Help improve swelling
3. Expect a slim line
4. It relieves pain


Aren't you uncomfortable with your daily life because of the symptoms?

We'll help you.



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lymphatic management


The lymphatic system plays an important role in removing waste and toxins from the body and supporting the immune system. Lymph care effects may include:




1. Edema Relief: Lymph care techniques such as lymphdrainage massage can help relieve edema. In particular, it is useful for weight loss, pregnancy, laser surgery, lymphadenopathy and other causes of swelling.

2. Supporting the immune system: The lymphatic system is part of the immune system, and the lymph fluid is responsible for protecting against infection by transporting immune cells and antibodies. Lymph care can help strengthen the immune system.

3. Toxins and Waste Removal: Lymphatic systems play an important role in eliminating waste and toxins. Lymphdraines can promote the removal of these substances and prevent poisoning in the body.

4. Improving fatigue: Lymph care improves blood flow and lymph circulation, which can reduce fatigue and stress and increase energy levels.

5. Skin Health: Lymphdrainage massage can promote blood flow and lymphatic flow in the skin, improving skin health and providing cosmetic benefits.


High frequency management





High-frequency therapy (high-frequency physical therapy) is one of the treatments used to manage a variety of medical conditions and conditions using high-frequency electromagnetic waves. High-frequency therapy can provide several benefits and can have the following benefits:





Pain management: High-frequency therapy can help manage pain. In particular, it is used to treat a variety of pain-related diseases such as muscle and joint pain, chronic pain, spinal pain, and arthritis.

1. Reducing Inflammation: High-frequency therapy can help reduce inflammation, and can be used to treat wounds, swelling and inflammatory diseases.

2. Muscle relaxation: High frequency has the effect of relaxing muscles, which can relieve muscle tension and improve muscle blood flow.

3. Tissue healing: High frequency therapy can promote healing of damaged tissue and is used to support wound healing and cartilage repair.

4. Promote blood circulation: High-frequency therapy can promote blood circulation and increase the supply of oxygen and nutrients.

5. Topical Treatment: High-frequency therapy can be applied directly to specific areas and can help target areas of interest accurately.




High-frequency treatment is typically performed by a professional, and treatment should be tailored to the individual patient's condition and needs. In addition, the effectiveness and safety of high-frequency treatments may vary depending on the patient's condition, the equipment used, the time of treatment, and the method of treatment. Therefore, it is important to consult a medical professional when considering high frequency treatment.


Endermology Management





"Endermology" is commonly referred to as "endermology" or "endermology therapy". It is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure or treatment technique that deals with skin and adipose tissue, used to improve the appearance and shape of connective tissue combined with adipose cells. Endermology effects and benefits can be shown as follows:





1. Fat loss: Endermology therapy can help break down and eliminate fat cells, and reduce cellulite or fat gain.

2. Improving Skin Elasticity: Endermology can help improve skin elasticity and improve skin tone.

3. Promote blood circulation: Promote blood circulation while compressing and massaging the skin during treatment, and improve skin health by supplying oxygen and nutrients to cells.

4. Boosting cell metabolism: Endermology can boost cell metabolism and activate the skin's natural recovery ability.

5. Reducing Fatigue: Endermology Therapy can help reduce muscle relaxation and fatigue, and it has the effect of relieving tired muscles.



Endermology must be conducted by an expert and is typically conducted in a series of sessions. Results and effects can vary depending on the individual patient's condition, goals, and number of treatments. Endermology is provided in plastic surgery and beauty clinics and is widely used for the purpose of improving the shape and condition of the skin.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


📞 +82)010 - 7413 - 6515

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지방흡입, 성형수술 후관리 전문 / 스포츠 , 아로마 관리 / 피부미용 교육 / 수기연구소 입니다.





⏰ -business hours- ⏰


11 : 00 ~ 21 : 00


11 : 00 ~ 19 : 00

sun Holiday

Kakao Talk ID : 수기연구소




*SUGILAB Location

Address (강남구 선릉로 127길 13 1층)

Gangnam-gu Office Station Exit 2

(250 meters on foot)

Free parking available